Agile is a management method that is commonly used in the industry of software development. Recently, Agile has been adopted by production teams for e-learning due to its flexibility which lets the development process adapt to changes in client requirements.
Agile differentiates itself from conventional ADDIE model, which is a more rigid, end-to-end procedure that defines the needs of the customer in the beginning, before production and development take place and results in one design being released at the conclusion. Contrary to this, an Agile course focuses on adaptation and development that is constantly evolving rapid prototyping, constant feedback and assessment.
Here are six great advantages Agile can provide to the development of your e-learning.
1. Flexibly responds to evolving requirements of clients
In the case of corporate projects there is no way to say that anything is “set to stone.” When it comes to the lifecycle of an e-learning project there will be requests for additions to content, the procedures can be altered, and new parties with their own opinions can be added to the mix. Developers must be able of accommodating changes easily and professionally and Agile lets them accomplish this by virtue of its capacity to take in and react to changes with regular repeats.
2. More feedback opportunities
In an Agile process of developing an e-learning product frequently, releases of the software are made available. Each time the user can give feedback that is incorporated into the development process along the way rather than putting feedback until the review deadlines are set.
3. Meets the needs and wants of clients efficiently
In the majority of cases internal projects involving e-learning require the creation of something completely distinctive for the organisation to help meet the needs of business. Since there isn’t any existing template that can be used, there are inherent issues in understanding the client’s vision and incorporating it into the final product. In Agile participation of the client, it is a key element in the entire process which makes it more likely to create an item that is superior to the client’s expectations.
4. Supports rapid development
Agile allows for rapid, fluid development. This means that the developer can implement changes live on the client, drastically decreasing the time needed for lengthy feedback and review cycles. Since the product is created incrementally, both the customer as well as the developer can concentrate on a limited range of specifics, making sure that they are in order before proceeding.
5. Improves the functionality of your system by conducting frequent tests
In the ADDIE procedure the testing process is typically left until the final version of the product has been released, which makes it much more difficult to fix problems. Testing is, however, an essential part of the Agile process, and is incorporated into every iteration. Since testing is conducted in the course of development when the final product is launched the functionality will be tight and there are significantly less problems.
6. Facilitates collaboration and communication
Agile is a process of collaboration that is carried out through consultative meetings with the key stakeholder such as project managers and experts on subject matter and project sponsors as well as developers. The increased communication Agile encourages results in less confusions and more team cohesion. Because it significantly improves communication with clients, Agile is also a ideal method of bringing clients back into the fold when they’ve had issues previously with traditional process of development.