As a qualified Primary and Early Childhood teacher, and also a mother who homeschools I am convinced that this collection of Connetix tiles is among the most beneficial educational resources we have in our house.
My children love playing with them and they do it every day however, they are also educationally wealthy. I’ll outline for you how they help my kids’ development and also their education. I’ll also do a brief summary of our most favorite methods to utilize these toys as well!
Benefits of development for Connetix tiles
Fine motor skills – it’s essential for kids to be able to practice exercising the small muscles of their fingers and hands. These muscles are not just vital for daily tasks, but they are also essential to write. Strengthening these muscles improves strength, dexterity and endurance (meaning your hand muscles won’t be fatigued when they reach the end of their schooling in which children are required to write longer or for long periods). Connetix tiles strengthen these muscles since they require precise grasping and positioning when used.
Problem solving abilities – problem solving skills are essential to the future of all tasks at school and in real life. Connetix pastel tiles help with problem solving as they’re open-ended and children have to think up methods they use the tiles. This creates a natural desire to solve problems! The most common questions youngsters will be asked themselves while playing with Connetix are:
What should I make or do?
What kinds of shapes can I choose to employ?
Where should I put the tiles?
How can I resolve this? (when problems occur during construction or play)
Language skills – whether playing alone or with friends/siblings, Connetix tiles require children to explain what they are doing/how they’re playing, discuss their creations, explain their options, communicate their ideas and deal with social issues.
Playing independently The wide-ranging design of Connetix tiles makes them can be used to promote and facilitating independence play. There isn’t a ‘one method for playing with them. That means kids are expected to choose the way they play in the future, what they’ll construct and how long they’ll play for. All of these are essential capabilities needed in order to engage in a group.
Persistence and perseverance – Children will have to be able to think of solutions every time they play Connetix tiles. The process of encountering problems, figuring out solutions to it, and then successfully resolving the issue, is essential to the process of learning. This is done in a secure, risk-free manner every time a child uses Connetix tiles, offering them plenty of opportunities to practice persevering and tackling any issues they encounter.
Benefits to education of Connetix tiles
Mathematical thinking and talking Connetix tiles foster incredible maths and vocabulary. Thinking mathematically is at the foundation of mathematics education, which is why when using Connetix tiles, children must think about, solve problems how they think, and be creative improving their mathematical thinking skills.
2D exploration and recognition of shapes The wide range of 2D shapes in the collection of Connetix tiles ensure that children become exposed to and comfortable to 2D shape in a tangible way that gives them ample opportunities to explore and learn about the diverse characteristics of each shape and also the ways in which 2D shapes connect with 3D objects.
3D exploration and recognition of objects the capability to create 3D objects and structures using Connetix tiles provides children with unprecedented insight into the characteristics and shapes of 3D objects. Through the creation and manipulation of these objects they’re making significant connections that mean ever-growing, more intricate neural pathways to understanding are being created.
Handling concrete materials – manipulating concrete objects is the most crucial aspect of developing mathematical skills in the early years. When children use various senses during play and develop deeper knowledge of the world around them and how things function. Connetix tiles enable a lot of manipulation that is concrete and exploration that children can build a multi-faceted knowledge of their tasks.
A few of our most-loved ways to utilize Connetix tiles
Rainbow frames with giant size
Colour sorting boxes
Big houses and structures
Doorway to the Rainbow
Metal basket grid building
Word building