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Cat S Cars Meaning

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If your vehicle has been damaged by accidents, the damage could be too costly to fix. If that’s the case, it’ll become “written off” by your insurance company. Cat S cars are those that have been written off by insurance companies. Cat S car is one that has been written off due to structural damage.

Here, we take a look more detail on the meaning of Cat S means and the kind of damages it covers. We also look into whether buying second-hand Cat S car is ever worth the cost, and how much is the cost to insure it.

Cat S meaning

Insurance companies utilize four categories to explain the amount of damage a car has sustained to be declared a total loss. Up until October 2017 there were four categories: A B, C, and D. However, now they’re now A, B S, N, and A.

The category S (Cat S ) car, which is like the older Cat C) car has suffered structural damage to its structure. It usually occurs as a result of the result of a collision or another accident. The good thing is that it can be repaired and then driven. But the majority of Cat S cars must be renewed registered by the DVLA before they are allowed to be driven again.

Other categories include:

Cat N (similar to that of Cat D): Cat N cars are damaged cosmetically. The car’s structure is unaffected. As with Cat S, a Cat N vehicle is repairable and then returned to the road. It’s not required to register to the DVLA However, you’ll be required to inform them that it was taken off. Find out more information regarding Cat N cars here.
Cat B Cat B cars are too old or damaged to be repaired, however some parts can be salvaged and used again or offered for sale. After the expert is done with these components, the rest of the vehicle will be scrapped.
Cat A Cat A cars are too old or damaged to repair and can’t be used as parts. Cat A cars are taken to a scrapyard that is licensed to be dismantled safely and crushed.

Visit htis website for details on the DVLA cat S inspection.

Are Cat S similar to Cat C?

Not quite. The Cat S as well as Cat N were replaced by the Cat C as well as Cat D when the categories were revised in the year the year 2017. Prior to that, the emphasis was primarily on repair cost rather than the nature of the damage.

If the expense to repair the vehicle was greater than the value of the vehicle then it was classified as a Cat C write-off. If otherwise, it was transferred towards Cat D. If a vehicle was classified to be Cat D, the repair cost was lower than the value of the car but the costs associated with it (like transportation of the vehicle) could render repairs uneconomic.

In the present, Cat S focuses more on structural issues which could compromise safety for vehicles instead of how much it will cost to repair.

What exactly is Cat S damage?

Examples of Cat S damage include:

Crumpled or twisted chassis
Twisted A or B posts
Cant rails or a damaged header
Cracked bulkhead
Sills that have cracked or become corroded
Dented wheel extension for the housing of the wheel
Crushed cross-member
The wings are snapped (or wings that support)

Why do insurance companies write off Class S vehicles?

In many instances, Cat S cars can be repaired safely and then returned back on the road. But, most forms of structural damage can cost quite a bit to repair.

Insurance companies will evaluate the labor, parts and administrative costs as well as whether you’re entitled to a rental vehicle during the time yours is not in use. In general, if the repair costs exceed 50-60 percent of the worth of your car prior to the accident, it’s considered a Category S.

If my vehicle was written off?

In the majority of cases the time, if your car is deemed to be a total loss and you don’t receive it back. The insurance company keeps it, and you’re an amount of the amount.

It is written off as Cat A or Cat B.

If your vehicle has being removed from the road (Cat A, Cat B) the insurance company will help arrange it.

If that’s the case then you’ll have to:

You can send the log book to your insurance (but be sure to include the yellow “selling transfer, selling or part-exchanging the vehicle to an individual or a motor dealer” section)
Inform the DVLA be aware that your car is being written off by the DVLA. Don’t leave this out as you could get fined up to $1,000 If you don’t inform them!

Be aware that if your vehicle is registered with private number plates it is required to make an application to get off the plate prior to scrapping it. It’s easy to do this via

It is written off as cat S as well Cat N

If your vehicle falls within Cat S or Cat N then you can purchase your vehicle back directly from insurance company and repair it yourself. In order to do this you’ll have to:

Completely send your logbook to your insurance company.
Request a duplicate log book (using the form V62)

The DVLA will also record your vehicle’s class in the latest log book.

Who fixes Cat S cars?

If you’re planning to buy or repurchase your Cat S car from your insurance company and have it fixed it is necessary to locate an approved body or garage shop that is willing to do the task.

There’s no legal requirement that repairs made on an Cat S car to be independently examined. So, you can’t be 100% sure that the vehicle you return can be driven safely.

To be sure it is recommended that you take out a third-party inspection prior to signing off on repairs. It is recommended that you use the AA as well as the RAC each offer inspection of your vehicle services. There is an additional cost. However, you’ll enjoy the security of knowing that the vehicle is structurally and mechanically sound prior to you even drive it.

Do you think purchasing an Cat S car worth it?

It depends! If you’re looking to buy an affordable second-hand vehicle that you could drive for the rest of its lifespan then a low-cost Cat S car could be attractive. However, as with any second-hand car, it will not be ideal.

The repairs will (hopefully) make the vehicle roadworthy once more. However, there could be some annoying rattles, squeaks or other small imperfections you’ll need to bear. These imperfections could result in you losing cash in the event that you decide to sell it in the future.

The bottom point? Do your homework. If you’re considering buying the Cat S car, pay for a background check to have a complete picture of the car before you pay money.

Remember, there’s no law that states Cat S repairs need to be independently checked. Therefore, you’ll have to arrange for an inspection by a third party to ensure your car will be safe for you to use.

Do Cat S cars cost more to insure?

The answer is simple: Yes, insuring a Cat S car can be more costly.

After a car is classified as Category S and then repaired but it is still likely to encounter problems later on in the course of. This means it’s a greater risk for insurance companies. To reduce this risk, certain insurance companies insurers will charge a higher premium than a comparable car that’s not written off. Other insurers, for instance, simply not take on for a Cat S car.

Recap: What is Cat S refer to on an automobile?

The Cat S car is one which has been deemed unsalvageable due to structural damage. The car, however, is able to be repaired safely and then re-enter the market in the event that it’s registered through the DVLA.

If you buy a used Cat S car could net you a great deal, but they’re usually more costly to cover. Remember that the repair works don’t need be checked by an independent person prior to returning the vehicle to you. You can ensure that the vehicle is roadworthy by hiring a third party to inspect it.

Our suggestion? Beware of the buyer.